Monday, October 18, 2010


This community service day was great where all community members and stakeholders were available where we did cleaning up of our environment. With the help of our administration we will be having assessments and tours of Maai- Mahiu town with ministry of health with a purpose of improving our environment. The environmental club at Ngeya primary school is doing great where we are involving the youth on issues within us, With help from mama hope we have started a tree nursery project whereby we intend to have 30,000 tree seedlings.
'Cucu shamba' (Grandmothers garden) is also doing great and they are ready for transition.
A successful leader must plan her work, and work her plan. A leader who moves by guesswork, without practical, definite plans, is comparable to a ship without a rudder. Sooner or later she will land on the rocks.It has been of great help over the year and with a lot of success from the community members getting involved for the provision of services we see a future for our community.


custom papers said...

Nice article...shows unity of the people.

young fashion zone said...

I like your point of view. Thanks

Term Papers said...

Term Papers
That is great, working for making the environment healthy. Keep it up and well done.