Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rafiki link

Everything here is moving on very well and Kenyan students have worked very hard to finish their history essays competition and they are now eagerly waiting for their results and not forgetting about prizes that will be awarded to the best students in this competition.

Students at Longonot secondary have been posting information on their blog on weekly bases at http://longonotsecondary.blogspot.com and they are very excited in this, also not forgetting our little kids at Ngeya who had no laptops are now again back to their Rafiki link activities and they are also excited that they will be learning computer skills again. They have been able to post little information on their blog at http://ngeyaprimary.blogspot.com

It has also been a pleasure for us to receive a team of 6 people from the USA who are spending time with our students at Maai- Mahiu secondary sharing about girl child life experiences since they want to look for ways that they can use to empower Kenyan girl child, we are praying for them and wishing them all the best in what they are doing.

Rafiki link main site rafikilink.blogspot.com will be updated twice per month, follow up with us to see what is happening.

Lastly, we are not forgetting to remind you to vote for CTC on the Chase community giving challenge on facebook, click on this link to vote for CTC http://apps.facebook.com/chasecommunitygiving/charities/412123008-ctc-international-inc

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Knowledge that brings freedom

It has been an amazing time for the malaika mums as our vistors has been with us for two weeks. It was good to see old friends and also to make new friends who came with the team.

The climax of this teams visit was the seminars that malaika mums attended with other 50 women. In a patriachal culture that has little or no place for women, this seminar meant everthing for these women. They learned about boundaries, communicating with their spouses and how to relate and talk to their kids on sexuality and other sensitive issues that affect them every day. The seminar also covered an important training on health and nutrition and how to use the available resources and foods to provide the healthy bodies. The conference room was full of energy with women getting the sense empowerment and hope of freedom. It was a great time together.

During the seminar the women experienced art therapy for the first time. They learned about colors and how to communicate feelings using colors. It was sad to see some with their life sorrounded by red signifying danger while others painted black as a sign of hopelessness in life. They were in tears while told to share their stories.

Finaly the all the women went to the mural wall and practice what they hd learned. To express their feelings through art and it was so powerful to see all of them scrambling for paint brushes to paticipate in the gratest mural they have ever seen. Thanks to Kaitlin and her sister Leah for coming for the first time in Kenya to help all of us experience the joy of art.

At the end of the day, it was very evident that people need the information and knowledge to be given to them so that they can exercise the freedom that belongs to them.

Will keep you updated as more continues to unfold.

By Liz Josiah