We received a number of visitors on our first day which is a good sign of blessings in the new year. I was checking to see if there would be a tall handsome man with long hair as the myth goes and believe it or not there was one fresh from America. So we may be looking at a great year full of blessings. But jokes aside, we had a good start and everyones prayer was that God will walk with us in this year and unfold what he has for the community of Maai Mahiu, to strengthen our relationships and grow us into the next level where all will feel the empowerment.
The Mendosas treated everyone with Sodas, Mandazis and Chapatis. It was a room full of joy. Community Health workers from Kijabe came to wish us a good year and to confirm that we have a great year ahead as partners to continue the fight against AIDS. The District Medical Oficer of Health (DMOH)Naivasha with the District Head of Nurses stopped by and were thankful for all that we are doing for our Malaika kids and the disabled community. Not to mention the individuals who came to see if we have opportunities for them to work for CTC.
We are thankful to all of you who have faithfully kept us in your thoughts and prayers and who have joined to support this needy cause so that our center can keep running. We also invite many others in this new year so that they can be part of the blessings we are going to share.
May you all have a wonderful year and may we continue to follow what CTC is doing in Kenya Maai Mahiu.
Jeremiah Kuria
1 comment:
May God continue to give you the strength, wisdom, patience and knowledge that all of you need to be his ambassadors to the people there in Maai Mahiu. We will continue to lift you up in prayer and support you in this challenging ministry.
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